Once Upon Your Mind–Improv for Children and Families

The Scary Forest, based on the book "Going on a Ghost Hunt"

The Scary Forest, from the book “Going on a Ghost Hunt”

Once Upon Your Mind is a troupe of 12 improvisers who put on a weekly show for children and families, with a rotating cast of six performers.

This 45-50 minute show starts with the audience voting for a picture book. The winning picture book then becomes the basis for a story which doesn’t re-create the story in the book, but uses the world of the book as a jumping-off point for an entirely improvised narrative. Everything that happens is based on kids’ suggestions and participation!

Brought from Chicago by Colleen Breen, this exciting on-going show is an engaging, participatory experience that families can return to again and again.

Every Saturday morning 10:30-11:15 at The Flight Deck Theater, 1540 Broadway, Oakland.

